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Winter Course - Foreword

Winter courses & program

2023 Pre-med Enhancement Winter Program

2023 Pre-med winter course

Chang Gung University (CGU) is the top private research university in Taiwan leading the academic development of medicine. In the 2021 Academic Ranking of World Universities, CGU ranks first in 3 fields among private schools in Taiwan. Moreover, according to the 2021 Leiden World University Ranking, the "scientific influence" of CGU ranks second in the country. Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH) is the largest hospital in the world harboring over 11,000 beds. 2,200 PGYs and residents are trained in CGMH every year. The hospital invests 130 million USD research funds annually. Through the recognition of international medical certification Joint Commission International (JCI), CGMH is the largest medical center providing patients with safe and outstanding medical services worldwide.

CGMH is a global leader in the fields of plastic surgery, liver transplantation, hepatitis B research, minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery, sports injury rehabilitation and leptospirosis. Through the immersive experience, overseas students can bridge the gap between basic medicine and clinical medicine and quickly grasp the discipline of medicine by integration of the abundant resources of CGMH and CGU. Moreover, our traditional Chinese medicine workshop offers a glimpse into the spirit of acupuncture, cupping therapy, Chinese massage, herbal medicine, and Tai Chi. During this 6-week medical clerkship, we also offer special courses including medical artificial intelligence, volunteer opportunities in the hospital and mountainous area and visits to medical-related government institutions. This elite program is design to provide you or your child an extensive and in-depth experience into the field of medicine. We believe that the program will not only provide you a better understanding on whether doctor is the ideal career but greatly benefit your future application in the field of medicine. With all these advantages, what are you waiting for?

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Academic Contact:

Administration/ Logistics:

Carol Hsia
Administrative Assistant
Office of International Affairs,
Chang Gung University
E: premed@gap.cgu.edu.tw
P: +886-3-2118800#3064


