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Foreign Student Internships in Taiwan

Foreign Student Internships in Taiwan

The internship plan must be a requirement of the program the foreign students enrolled in or their graduation.

CGU consists of three clleges, including College of Medicine, College of Engineering, and College of Management. Please seek the approval of invidual professor. 

The internship application should be reviewed and accepted by the related departments or graduate institutes of CGU.

The terms as used in these Directions are defined below:

  1. Foreign student: a student of foreign nationality pursuing a formal degree at a foreign college or university included in the reference list issued by the MOE.
  2. Educational institutions at all levels: Public and private educational institutions at any and all levels in Taiwan.
  3. Educational institute: An institute under the jurisdiction of the MOE, and education and academic research institutes approved and established in accordance with the Regulations Governing Establishment of Academic Research Institute (學術研究機構設立辦法).   
  4. Internships: Activities that do not involve a student providing any labor service and that are directly related to the student’s formal studies in an institute, faculty, or department of their foreign college or university and allow the foreign student to satisfy a requirement of the tertiary program they are enrolled in in their own country, or a graduation requirement.

For full content, please visit Directions Governing Foreign Student Internships at Educational Institutions at all Levels and Educational Institutes in the Republic of China.



