Revisions to the application period and deadline for NSTC International Internship Pilot Program

1. For international students to experience Taiwan’s strengths in the field of S&T, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) provides the international internship pilot program (IIPP) to attract global talents.

2. The main points of the project plan are as follows:

  • (1) Correction of the internship period: Due to differences in academic schedules among countries, interns may arrange internships for up to three months between May and February of the following year, with the start date in Taiwan no later than December each year. The final application deadline is September 15th of the current year.
  • (2) Providing quotas: During the project period, opportunities for internships will be provided to 600 interns. The internship period is a maximum of three months. During the application period, principle investigators will plan and arrange internship positions themselves. Except for force majeure or visa factors, after receiving the acceptance notice, no request for changes or extensions to the internship period will be accepted.
  • (3) Application method: principle investigators who submit internship positions or foreign students who actively apply should visit the project website (, register for an account online, and provide relevant information.
  • (4) Internship principles: During the internship period, principle investigators are required to provide interns with appropriate research guidance and assist them in interacting with Taiwanese students and understanding Taiwan's diverse culture. In principle, each principle investigator can accept for up to two interns. Considering diversity in nationality, the number of guided interns may be increased as appropriate. Interns must conduct relevant research and progress reports according to the research topics and fields of the project they are participating in.

3. To facilitate the promotion of this program, please find attached the English application instructions (Attachment 1) and promotional material (Attachment 2).


  1. Application Guideline
  2. Flyer