Call for Applications of NSTC International Internship Pilot Program

1. For international students to experience Taiwan’s strengths in the field of S&T, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) provides the international internship pilot program (IIPP) to attract global talents.

2. The key points of this program are as follows:

  • Application Period: foreign interns should complete the application process by October 15, 2024.
  • Quota: 600 interns will be accepted.
  • Internship Duration: the internship duration is arranged by the individual principal investigator, with a maximum of 3 months (90 days).
  • Application: both principal investigator and foreign students should register at and provide relevant information.
  • Internship Principles: during the internship period, principal investigator should provide appropriate research guidance to interns and assist them in interacting and getting to know Taiwan's diverse culture. Interns are required to conduct relevant research and learning based on the research theme and field of the project.

3. Subsidies:

  • Interns: will receive 30,000 NTD subsidy monthly, 3 months at most.
  • PI: will receive 10,000 NTD operating expense for hosting each intern.

4. All full-time faculty members who wish to apply for the IIPP program should register at as soon as possible.

5. For more information, please refer to the attached PDF files.


  1. Application Guideline
  2. Flyer