1. To expand the invitation to young students with development potential from all over the world (mainly from the United States and Central and Eastern European countries, but not limited to) to come to Taiwan for short-term internships and to learn more about the advantages of Taiwan's educational and academic resources, to choose to come to Taiwan for future study or to make use of their studies, the Ministry of Education invites university teachers to submit their ideas for the TEEP program. The study areas are mainly in the six core strategic industries (information and digital, information security excellence, Taiwan precision health, green power and renewable energy, defense and strategy, and livelihood and warfare) and the 5+2 industry innovation projects (Smart Machinery, Asia-Silicon Valley, Green Energy Technology, Biomedical Industry, Defense Industry, New Agriculture, and Circular Economy). The maximum period of stay in Taiwan shall be six months (the latest date of entry shall not be later than December 31, 2024).
2. The amount of program subsidy is based on the number of foreign youths recruited to Taiwan * NT$15,000 per month. If the type of program is to cooperate with industrial enterprises to cultivate industry talents and plan complete study courses and internships, please add the amount of funding and the purpose of application in the program concept summary.
3. All full-time faculty members who wish to apply for the TEEP program should upload the application information of the program idea by October 20, 2023 at the following link: https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/project_portal.
4. Contact Info:
1. Project Application: Dr. Jennie Wu, Researcher, Department of International and Cross-Strait Education, Ministry of Education. (Mail: jennie@mail.moe.gov.tw)
2. Online Form: Mr. Ryan Chen, Senior Manager, Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan. (Mail: ryanc@fichet.org.tw)